本文共 17373 字,大约阅读时间需要 57 分钟。
我们先考虑非神经网络提取的特征,在深度神经网络大热以前,局部特征、空间金字塔、稀疏编码的结合合应该是达到最高识别准确率的方案。它在一些应用场合能够以更低的代价带来不次于深度网络的识别效果,可应用于实现方案。这里的代码是在工具箱reco_toolbox基础上修改的:%exam1.m extract features from every imageclc,close all, clear all,drawnowdatabase_name = {'JDTest'};database_ext = {'jpg' , 'jpg' , 'png'};descriptors_name = {'mlhoee_spyr' , 'mlhmslsd_spyr' , 'mlhmslbp_spyr' , 'mlhmsldp_spyr'};choice_database = [1]; choice_descriptors = [3]; %mlhoee_spyr=1/mlhmslsd_spyr=2/mlhmslbp_spyr=3/mlhmsldp_spyr=4do_extract_feature = 1; %no=0/yes=1data_name = database_name{choice_database(1)};im_ext = database_ext{choice_database(1)};rootbase_dir = pwd;images_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'images' , data_name);core_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'core');feat_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'features');des_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'descriptors');addpath(core_dir);%执行描述符配置脚本文件eval([data_name , '_config_descriptors']);descriptors_param = cell(1 , length(descriptors_name));descriptors_param{1} = mlhoee;descriptors_param{2} = mlhmslsd;descriptors_param{3} = mlhmslbp;descriptors_param{4} = mlhmsldp;descriptors_size = cell(1 , length(descriptors_name));descriptors_size{1} = descriptors_param{1}{1}.size;descriptors_size{2} = descriptors_param{2}{1}.size;descriptors_size{3} = descriptors_param{3}{1}.size;descriptors_size{4} = descriptors_param{4}{1}.size;nb_descriptors = length(choice_descriptors);if(do_extract_feature) for j = 1 : nb_descriptors current_path = fullfile(pwd , 'images' , data_name ); current_dir = dir(fullfile(current_path , ['*.' , im_ext])); m = length(current_dir); current_descriptor = choice_descriptors(j); current_size = descriptors_size{current_descriptor}; base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor}; eval(['descriptors = @' base_descriptor ';']); %初始化特征存储变量 X = zeros(descriptors_size{current_descriptor} , m); for i = 1 : m I = imread(fullfile(current_path , current_dir(i).name)); [h,w] = size(I); %将图像缩小一半 J = imresize(I,[h/2,w/2]); X(:,i) = descriptors(J , descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{:}); fprintf('descriptor = %s, image = %s (%d/%d)\n' , base_descriptor , current_dir(i).name , i , m) drawnow end %将图像特征存储为文件 save(fullfile(feat_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]) , 'X' ) clear X ; end fprintf(‘Feature extraction finished!');end
%exam2.m extract bag-of-features for every imageclc,close all, clear ,drawnowdatabase_name = {'JDPig' };database_ext = {'jpg' , 'jpg' , 'png'};descriptors_name = {'denseSIFT' , 'denseCOLOR' , 'densePATCH' , 'denseMBLBP' , 'denseMBLDP'};encoding_name = {'yael_kmeans' , 'mexTrainDL'};features_name = {'mlhbow_spyr' , 'dl_spyr' , 'mlhlcc_spyr'};choice_database = [1]; choice_descriptors = [1]; choice_encoding = [2]; %Kmeans=1/Sparse Learning =2choice_feature = [2]; %SP-Histogram = 1/Sparse Pooling = 2/LCC = 3do_extract_patches = 1; %no=0/yes=1do_encoding = 1; %no=0/yes=1do_compute_features = 1; %no=0/yes=1dicoshared = 0; %no=0/yes=1data_name = database_name{choice_database(1)};im_ext = database_ext{choice_database(1)};rootbase_dir = pwd;images_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'images' , data_name);core_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'core');feat_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'features');dico_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'dico');des_dir = fullfile(pwd , 'descriptors');addpath(core_dir)dirim = dir(images_dir);nb_topic = length(dirim) - 2;classe_name = cellstr(char(dirim(3:nb_topic+2).name))';%执行相关配置文件eval([data_name , '_config_descriptors']);eval([data_name , '_config_encoding']);eval([data_name , '_config_features']);nbimagespertopic = zeros(1 , nb_topic);for i = 1:nb_topic dir_name = dir(fullfile(pwd , 'images' , data_name , dirim(i+2).name , ['*.' , im_ext])); nbimagespertopic(i) = length(dir_name);endN = sum(nbimagespertopic);descriptors_param = cell(1 , length(descriptors_name));descriptors_param{1} = sift;descriptors_param{2} = color;descriptors_param{3} = patch;descriptors_param{4} = mblbp;descriptors_param{5} = mbldp;descriptors_size = cell(1 , length(descriptors_name));descriptors_size{1} = descriptors_param{1}{1}.size;descriptors_size{2} = descriptors_param{2}{1}.size;descriptors_size{3} = descriptors_param{3}{1}.size;descriptors_size{4} = descriptors_param{4}{1}.size;descriptors_size{5} = descriptors_param{5}{1}.size;encoding_param = cell(1 , length(encoding_name));encoding_param{1} = yael;encoding_param{2} = spams;features_param = cell(1 , length(features_name));features_param{1} = mlhbow_feat;features_param{2} = dl_feat;features_param{3} = mlhlcc_feat;nb_descriptors = length(choice_descriptors);nb_encoding = length(choice_encoding);nb_features = length(choice_encoding);current_descriptor = choice_descriptors;base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor};featfile = fullfile(feat_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]);featfile = [featfile,'.mat'];if (~exist(featfile)) do_extract_patches = 1;else do_extract_patches = 0;endif(do_extract_patches) for j = 1 : nb_descriptors current_descriptor = choice_descriptors(j); current_size = descriptors_size{current_descriptor}; base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor}; nbpatches = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.nbpatches; nbpatchetotal = nbpatches*N; standardize = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.standardize; whithning = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.whithning; patchdim = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.patchdim; eval(['descriptors = @' base_descriptor ';']); fprintf('descriptor = %s \n\n' , base_descriptor) drawnow X = zeros(descriptors_size{current_descriptor} , N , 'single'); Z = zeros(nbpatches*6 , N , 'single'); S = zeros(2 , N , 'uint16'); Y = zeros(nbpatches , N , 'single'); y = zeros(1 , N ); co = 1; %对每类图像进行处理 for t = 1 : nb_topic current_path = fullfile(pwd , 'images' , data_name , dirim(t+2).name); current_dir = dir(fullfile(current_path , ['*.' , im_ext])); current_topic = char(classe_name(t)); for i = 1 : length(current_dir) I = imread(fullfile(current_path , current_dir(i).name)); fprintf('descriptor = %s, topic = %s (%d/%d), image = %s (%d/%d)\n' , base_descriptor , current_topic, t , nb_topic , current_dir(i).name , i , nbimagespertopic(t)) drawnow [des , fea] = descriptors(I , descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{:}); X(: , co) = reshape(single(des) , current_size , 1); Z(: , co) = reshape(single(fea(1:6,:)) , nbpatches*6 , 1); Y(: , co) = t*ones(nbpatches , 1); y(co) = t; co = co + 1; end end if(dicoshared) Z(3:4 , :) = 1; descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.scale = 1; descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.nbscale = 1; descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.dimcolor = 1; features_param{current_features}.scale = 1; end X = reshape(X , patchdim , nbpatchetotal); Z = reshape(Z , [6 , nbpatchetotal]); Y = reshape(Y , 1 , nbpatchetotal); if(standardize) fprintf('Standardize patches\n' ) drawnow mX = mean(X , 2); stdX = std(X , 0 , 2); stdX(stdX==0) = 1; X = (X - mX(: , ones(1 , size(X , 2))))./stdX(: , ones(1 , size(X , 2))); fprintf('End Standardize\n' ) drawnow end if(whithning) fprintf('Whithning patches\n' ) drawnow covX = (1/(size(X,2)-1))*(X*X'); [V,D] = eig(covX); T = (V*diag(sqrt(1 ./(diag(D) + 0.1))))*V'; X = T * X; fprintf('End whithning\n' ) drawnow end fprintf('Saving patches descriptor %s ...\n' , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]); drawnow save(fullfile(des_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]) , 'X' , 'Z' , 'Y' , 'y' , 'classe_name' , 'patchdim' , 'nbpatches' , 'N' , '-v7.3') clear X Z Y y; endendcurrent_descriptor = choice_descriptors;base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor};current_encoding = choice_encodingbase_encoding = encoding_name{current_encoding};dictfile = fullfile(dico_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_encoding , '_' , base_descriptor]);dictfile = [dictfile,'.mat'];if (~exist(featfile)) do_encoding = 1;else do_encoding = 0;endif(do_encoding) for j = 1 : nb_encoding current_encoding = choice_encoding(j); base_encoding = encoding_name{current_encoding}; eval(['encoding = @' base_encoding ';']); for i = 1 : nb_descriptors current_descriptor = choice_descriptors(i); base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor}; nbpatches = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.nbpatches; nbpatchetotal = nbpatches*N; patchdim = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.patchdim; nbscale = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.nbscale; dimcolor = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.dimcolor; K = encoding_param{current_encoding}{current_descriptor}.K; nbpatchesperclass = encoding_param{current_encoding}{current_descriptor}.nbpatchesperclass; D = zeros(patchdim , K , nbscale , dimcolor , 'single'); fprintf('Loading patches descriptor %s ...\n' , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]); drawnow load(fullfile(des_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]) , 'X' , 'Z' , 'Y' , 'y' , 'classe_name') for c = 1 : dimcolor for s = 1 : nbscale currentscale = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.scale(s); index = find( (Z(3 , :) == currentscale ) & (Z(4 , :) == c) ); Yindex = Y(index); lindex = length(index); indexdico = []; for t = 1 : nb_topic indt = find(Yindex == t); lindt = length(indt); idx = randperm(lindt); idxtemp = idx(1:min(nbpatchesperclass ,lindt)); indexdico = [indexdico , index(indt(idxtemp))]; end fprintf('Learning dictionary of K = %d words with encoder = %s, scale = %5.3f, dimcolor = %d from %d/%d patches of %s \n' , K , base_encoding , currentscale , c , length(indexdico) , lindex , base_descriptor) drawnow D(: , : , s , c) = encoding(X(: , indexdico) , encoding_param{current_encoding}{current_descriptor}); end end fprintf('Saving dictionary %s ...\n' , [data_name , '_' , base_encoding , '_' , base_descriptor]); drawnow save(fullfile(dico_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_encoding , '_' , base_descriptor]) , 'D'); clear X Z Y y classe_name; end endendcurrent_descriptor = choice_descriptors;base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor};current_features = choice_feature;base_features = features_name{current_features};dlfeatfile = fullfile(feat_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor , '_' , base_features]);dlfeatfile = [dlfeatfile,'.mat'];if (~exist(dlfeatfile)) do_compute_features = 1;else do_compute_features = 0;endif(do_compute_features) for j = 1 : nb_encoding current_features = choice_feature(j); base_features = features_name{current_features}; current_encoding = choice_encoding(j); base_encoding = encoding_name{current_encoding}; eval(['features = @' base_features ';']); for i = 1 : nb_descriptors current_descriptor = choice_descriptors(i); base_descriptor = descriptors_name{current_descriptor}; nbpatches = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.nbpatches; nbpatchetotal = nbpatches*N; patchdim = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.patchdim; nbscale = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.nbscale; dimcolor = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.dimcolor; features_param{current_features}{current_descriptor}.scale = descriptors_param{current_descriptor}{1}.scale; features_param{current_features}{current_descriptor}.L = patchdim; current_feature_param = features_param{current_features}{current_descriptor}; fprintf('Loading dictionnary %s ...\n' , [data_name , '_' , base_encoding , '_' , base_descriptor]); drawnow load(fullfile(dico_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_encoding , '_' , base_descriptor]) , 'D'); fprintf('Loading patches descriptor %s ...\n' , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]); drawnow load(fullfile(des_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor]) , 'X' , 'Z' , 'y' , 'classe_name'); K = size(D , 2); nH = current_feature_param.nH; X = reshape(X , descriptors_size{current_descriptor} , N); Z = reshape(Z , 6*nbpatches , N); F = zeros(K*nH*nbscale*dimcolor , N); co = 1; for t = 1 : nb_topic current_path = fullfile(pwd , 'images' , data_name , dirim(t+2).name); current_dir = dir(fullfile(current_path , ['*.' , im_ext])); current_topic = char(classe_name(t)); for i = 1 : length(current_dir) fprintf('encoder = %s, topic = %s (%d/%d), patches = %s , image = %s (%d/%d)\n' , base_features , current_topic, t , nb_topic , base_descriptor , current_dir(i).name , i , nbimagespertopic(t)) drawnow XX = reshape(X(: , co) , patchdim , nbpatches); ZZ = reshape(Z(: , co) , 6 , nbpatches); F(: , co) = features(D , XX , ZZ , current_feature_param); co = co + 1; end end X = F; clear F Z S; fprintf('Saving features %s ...\n' , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor , '_' , base_features]); drawnow dlfeatfile = fullfile(feat_dir , [data_name , '_' , base_descriptor , '_' , base_features]); save( dlfeatfile, 'X' , 'y' , 'classe_name' , '-v7.3'); end endendfprintf('Feature extraction finished!!');